About Us

My name is Alyssa Broughton. I’ve been training dogs for ten years, dealing with anything from general manners to reactivity and separation anxiety.


It’s so important to be sure that you are investing in someone who is actually qualified to help you with your dog in this unregulated industry. Beyond my practical experience which has spanned pet stores, daycares, and my own private business across two countries, I also have a BSc in Animal Behaviour and Welfare from the University of Lincoln. I am a registered member of the APDT (#01556) and ABTC, and am officially a CSAT (Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer) under the world’s leading expert in separation anxiety, Malena DeMartini. I have helped hundreds of dogs increase their confidence and find new joy in life, and have rehabilitated a rescue dog of my own who was nearly euthanised for aggression.

More About Me

I love all dogs, and always have! I have a special soft spot for the ‘big misunderstood’ dogs and the ones with big feelings about the world. My philosophy as a trainer is centred around maximising joy in your life with your dog. I believe that there is so much to unlock in relationship with our dogs when we not only understand how to impact their behaviour, but also allow training to become a conversation in which they can communicate with us and express their wants and needs. I don’t believe in stripping away everything that makes your dog a dog or micromanaging their every movement. I love a dog that feels safe to express themselves and even be a little cheeky!

You’ll find me walking my dogs with harnesses, long and loose leads, and ample rewards and encouragement. They won’t be in a tight, flashy heel, but they’ll be relaxed and happy as they’re allowed to stop and sniff. They’re not perfect and they never will be, because they’re independent living things! If you’re looking for a trainer who considers their dogs to be their resume, I might not be the trainer for you - I have dogs to give them a good life, not to sell you something!


I believe in a training approach that not only achieves your goals but is compassionate, evidence-driven, humane, and strengthens the bond between you and your dog.


I am equipped to help you with…

  • Puppy Socialisation

  • Basic Manners

  • Unwanted Behaviours (Barking, Digging, Chewing, Jumping, Counter Surfing)

  • Lead Manners

  • Recall

  • Reactivity/Aggression

  • Fearfulness

  • Resource Guarding

  • Separation Anxiety