Terms of service

Better Nature Dog Training Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome to Better Nature Dog Training. By engaging our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions.

1.2 The terms "we," "us," or "our" refer to Better Nature Dog Training, and "you" or "your" refers to the client engaging our services.

2. Services Offered

2.1 Better Nature Dog Training offers in-person, virtual, and international dog training services.

2.2 In-person sessions will be conducted at a location determined by Better Nature Dog Training. The chosen location will be communicated to the client in advance. The location of the session may be changed at the discretion of Better Nature Dog Training, and any changes will be communicated in advance and agreed upon by both parties.

2.3 Virtual sessions will be conducted via Zoom or any other agreed-upon virtual communication method.

2.4 International services may involve additional terms and conditions, and clients are responsible for understanding and adhering to any relevant regulations in their country.

3. Booking and Payments

3.1 To book our services, full payment is required.

3.3 Payments can be made through www.betternaturetraining.com.

4. Cancellations and Rescheduling

4.1 Cancellations made 48 hours or more before the scheduled session will receive a full refund minus an admin fee, or if the session is a part of a package it will be eligible for rescheduling.

4.2 Initial Assessments for separation anxiety are considered a deposit on a training package and are non-refundable.

4.3 All packages, memberships, online courses, and completed training sessions are non-refundable.

4.4 Cancellations made within 48 hours of the scheduled session will not be eligible for a refund or reschedule, and cancelled sessions that are part of a package will be deducted from that package.

4.5 Rescheduling is subject to availability and must be requested 48 hours before the scheduled session.

4.6 If all sessions in a package have not been scheduled by the time the package expires, the remaining sessions are forfeit and will not be eligible for refund.

4.7 If a package session has been rescheduled to a date that falls outside the package expiry date, that session may not be rescheduled again.

5. Liability and Assumption of Risk

5.1 Clients understand that dog training involves inherent risks, and Better Nature Dog Training is not liable for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur during or after training sessions.

5.2 Clients are responsible for the behaviour of their dogs and any consequences resulting from their actions.

6. Confidentiality

6.1 All client information, including but not limited to personal details and training methods, will be kept confidential by Better Nature Dog Training.

7. Intellectual Property

7.1 All training materials, including but not limited to written materials, videos, guides, and any other content provided during the training sessions, are the intellectual property of Better Nature Dog Training.

7.2 Clients are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the training materials for personal use only. The materials may not be reproduced, distributed, or shared without the express written consent of Better Nature Dog Training.

7.3 Any techniques, methodologies, or proprietary training approaches developed or utilized by Better Nature Dog Training remain the exclusive intellectual property of Better Nature Dog Training.

7.4 Clients agree not to disclose or reproduce any proprietary information obtained during the training sessions.

7.5 Better Nature Dog Training retains the right to use any photographs, videos, or other media captured during training sessions for promotional and marketing purposes, unless the client explicitly opts out in writing.

8. Positive Reinforcement and Training Methods

8.1 Better Nature Dog Training is committed to using only positive reinforcement-based training methods that are humane, ethical, and science-based.

8.2 Clients agree to refrain from using aversive tools, including but not limited to shock collars, prong collars, choke chains, slip leads, or any other devices that may cause harm or distress to the dog.

8.3 If, at any point, Better Nature Dog Training determines that aversive tools have been used on the client's dog, Better Nature Dog Training reserves the right to terminate services immediately, and any payments made will be non-refundable.

8.4 Clients are encouraged to communicate openly about any concerns or questions regarding the training methods used, and Better Nature Dog Training will make reasonable efforts to address and accommodate the client's preferences within the bounds of positive reinforcement training.

9. Children

9.1 Better Nature Dog Training welcomes the inclusion of children in training sessions, recognizing the importance of family involvement in the training process.

9.2 Clients are responsible for ensuring the safety and supervision of children during training sessions. Children should be accompanied by a responsible adult, and their behavior should not disrupt the training environment.

9.3 The client acknowledges that the inclusion of children may impact the effectiveness of training, and Better Nature Dog Training may provide guidance on age-appropriate involvement.

9.4 Better Nature Dog Training reserves the right to make recommendations or adjustments to the training approach based on the presence and behavior of children during sessions.

10. Separation Anxiety Training

10.1  A separation anxiety training package, subsequent to the assessment, encompasses four consecutive weeks of training. Better Nature Dog Training will furnish, on a weekly basis, up to four days of customized training plans (Missions) and one live online session.

10.2 Each Mission is tailored based on client feedback. Failure to provide Mission notes by the agreed-upon time precludes the issuance of a Mission for the following day. If this situation arises during a week where the agreed two days off have been utilised, any remaining Missions are forfeited and will not be appended to the end of the package.

10.3 The protocol accommodates two days off per week. Extended breaks from training, exceeding two consecutive days, require prior approval from the trainer.

10.4 This package exclusively addresses separation-related problem behaviors. All additional training requirements must be addressed separately. Once purchased, all intensive packages are non-refundable.

10.5 Clients must commit to not leaving their dog alone outside of absence rehearsals (Missions) during the training.

11. Technology

11.1 Online virtual meetings (e.g., Zoom or Skype) and recordings of dogs during absences are integral to our training. Clients without a suitable device for remote viewing or recording must procure one at their own expense.

11.2 Limited advice on technology may be provided, but ultimately, clients are responsible for obtaining necessary tech support.

12. Guarantees

12.1 Due to the individual nature of dogs and complex influential factors, Better Nature Dog Training cannot guarantee specific behavioural outcomes.

12.2 For separation anxiety clients, Better Nature Dog Training reserves a weekly time slot for the client post-initial package purchase, guaranteeing availability for the duration of the working relationship. This guarantee may be forfeited for violations of the terms and conditions or due to abusive or harassing behaviour toward the trainer.

13. Medical advice

13.1 Better Nature Dog Training is not qualified to provide medical advice, including diagnosing separation anxiety as a clinical disorder or advising on medication or nutrition.

13.2 Better Nature Dog Training may make recommendations to seek the advice of qualified medical professionals, recognising the influential role of physical health and nutrition on behaviour, but this does not itself constitute medical advice.

14. Modification of Services

14.1 Better Nature Dog Training reserves the right to transition in-person training sessions to online sessions or modify the mode of service delivery at any time, based on factors such as public health concerns, government regulations, or any other circumstances that may affect the safety and well-being of clients, trainers, or dogs.

14.2 In the event of a transition to online sessions, reasonable efforts will be made to maintain the quality and effectiveness of the training services.

14.3 Clients will be promptly notified of any changes in the mode of service delivery, and cooperation is expected to facilitate a smooth transition.

15. Termination of Services

15.1 Better Nature Dog Training reserves the right to terminate services if clients fail to adhere to these terms and conditions or if the safety of the trainer or others is at risk.

16. Exclusive Training Arrangement

16.1 Upon engaging Better Nature Dog Training's services, the client agrees to an exclusive training arrangement and will not seek or engage in dog training services with any other trainer or training service provider for the duration of the working relationship with Better Nature Dog Training.

16.2 The exclusivity outlined in this section is in effect from the date of engagement and continues for the duration of the agreed-upon training package.

16.3 Any violation of this exclusivity agreement may result in the termination of services, and any remaining training sessions or packages will be forfeited without refund.

17. Modification of Terms and Conditions

17.1 Better Nature Dog Training reserves the right to modify, amend, or update these terms and conditions at its sole discretion.

17.2 Clients will be notified of any changes to the terms and conditions, and the updated version will be made available on the Better Nature Dog Training website or provided directly to the client.

17.3 The client's continued engagement with Better Nature Dog Training services after the notification of changes constitutes acceptance of the modified terms and conditions.

17.4 It is the responsibility of the client to regularly review the terms and conditions for any updates.

18. Governing Law

18.1 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

19. Severability

19.1 If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be unenforceable or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be deemed severable from the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

19.2 The unenforceability or invalidity of any provision shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

By engaging our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.

Thank you for choosing Better Nature Dog Training!