Separation Anxiety Membership

A 6-month program that will help you build the skills you need to create calm, safe, comfortable alone time for your dog.

Leave the anxiety, stress, and frustration behind and start living your life again!

dog relaxing on couch
Separation Anxiety Membership - Sep 2024
One time
For 6 months

Are you ready to stop throwing random strategies at the wall to see what sticks? Are you ready to finally start seeing progress in your dog's alone time behaviour with proven, tried and tested methods? Are you ready to stop feeling worried and anxious about leaving your dog home alone? Join us for a 6 month program where we will equip you with all of the skills you need to start leaving your dog and feel GOOD about it. Course begins September 18, enrolment open until Oct 2.

✓ Video Tutorials and Written Guides
✓ Recorded Group Zoom Calls
✓ Facebook Group for Added Support
✓ 13 Modules of Content
✓ Downloadable Worksheets and Guides

What people are saying

“We are now at the finish line of our 6-month separation anxiety membership with Alyssa. Our dog Blue is a challenge in every way possible but him not being alone has always been the biggest challenge of all. I felt trapped in my own home, reliant on my partner and had to pause my studies. Alyssa did some individual sessions with us and we already saw loads of success, so of course we wanted to join the membership. And now our boy who struggled so hard the moment someone left the door can be left alone for more than 5 hours. It takes time, training and patience but with the ton of information and support you get from the membership, it is all possible. I am so unbelievably thanful for Alyssa for giving us back our freedom and, to be honest, our sanity. Thank you Alyssa, I am so glad I found you on Tik Tok and decided to connect. You've changed our lives.
Love, Josi, Jonas and Blue”